Friday, September 5, 2014

School Events

The School Events
                                                            By Devon Bates
            I don’t understand how everyone knows about upcoming school-wide things sometimes. I never really know and then on the day of the event everyone’s says “Hey you going to the game/dance tonight? “ I say “What game/dance how do I not know about this? I might not go to the dance/games a lot, but I think I should know this. I listen to the intercom everyday, so I don’t understand how it’s missed.
            Everyone else who always knows when this stuff is, good for you, you are an accomplished sports fan or like to go to school after school at night in the spooky darkness. Some of you might say just open your ears when everyone is talking about it or ask someone who always knows. That could work, but I’m too lazy to try, so go ahead while I go on not knowing for a while longer. 

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