Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Techsperts by Aubrey Burton

This week I have been working on my advertisement for our upcoming 6th,
7th, and 8th grade dance! Thats right! This time it isn't just a 7th and 8th grade
dance, the 6th graders get a chance to experience the fun of school dances too! I
will be completely honest with you, I don't normally go to the dances until I found
out that the money that the dances get is what WEB and the bookfair use to
depend on for their funding.

Why should we care about WEB or the bookfair, you may ask? Well do you
remember when you were in 6th grade and you got donuts and ice cream, or do
you see the awesome WEB shirts that the WEB leaders get? Well the money we
get from the dances is what gives us the opportunity to buy all those cool things.
Now what about the book fair? Well have you ever been in the Library when the
book fair comes? If you have, you have probably noticed all of the cool
decorations that the library crue makes. Well we can't make those amazing
decorations without supplies, which we get with the money from the dances!
Anyways, all and all that's what i have been working on this week, letting my
peers know how important it is for them to attend the dance. I mean come on it's
a place where they can spend time with their friends and listening to music!
Doesn't sound that boring to me!

Aubrey Burton 8th hour techspert

Friday, February 19, 2016

Weekly Blog by Cameron Huett

Hello, it's Cameron with the Techsperts again. Welcome to another blog, this week's blog is about our last book fair. A Beautiful Monstrosity: There's a Story Behind Every Door was a tremendously successful book fair and we have some big news about it. We won first place! So much hard work went into this book fair and it paid off. We are looking forward to applying the knowledge that we gained working this last book fair to bring in another win in the next book fair. Feeling Groovy: Peace Love and Books is the name scholastic is giving this book fair. We are working on our own title. It will be a disco theme and it's going to be totally psychedelic! Thank you all for continuing to read these blogs and giving us your ideas. Please follow the Techsperts on Twitter @esmstechsperts and subscribe to our YouTube channel Techspert ESMS. Thanks!

FIRST PLACE by Morgan Schindler

We got first place in the book fair! We worked extremely hard as a techspert group to create the best book fair possible, and it all paid off! We will get 2,000 scholastic dollars and a visit from a famous author in May! The book fair group will get to spend the day with the author and ask questions. There will also be a school wide assembly that day. We are very excited for all the things happening here at ESMS
~ Morgan S

Upcoming Book Fair by Megan Rice

I'm so exciting for the upcoming book fair. Feeling groovy Peace, love,and books is the theme.

Us techsperts and bookfair workers have a lot in store. We are hoping to get another 1st place

in the nation. So we must give it our all and raise enough money to get us there. So buy books

come and visit us when u get done and help us reach our goal!

Track by Gracie Creason

I'm so excited for track this year. Even though it's my first year doing a sport in school I'm very excited. Being in a sport requires teamwork, and even though track on some level requires independence still requires a team to encourage and keep you going. I know the coaches are going to be great. And that as a team (even though track hasn't officially started yet,) we’re going to do great.

Being in track will be my very first sport in school. So it'll also be a new experience for me and for others who are joining their first school sport as well. And because it's other people first school sport it will be a lot different, we can meet new friends, and have fun. But it will be a lot of work too. So I can't wait for track.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Compare by Rylee Johnson

Compare- estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.

"Individual schools compared their facilities with those of others in the area."

If you see the word "compare" on the MAP test, think to yourself what's similar to the question in the sentence. Comparing is the similarities of something.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

MAP Word Summarize by Gracie Creason

Definition of Summarize: A brief statement of the main points of something.

How would you use it on the M.A.P. test: How are you use it on the M.A.P, well you may use it on the map because you could read a story and have to write what happened in the story but instead of rewriting the whole book, you'll just write little blips about the story.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Upcoming Dance by Liam Greim

I can't wait for the next dance, it's going to be great. I think it's really cool that they are making it

grades 6 to ­8. It sounds extremely fun, it's going to be a 70’s theme and everything! All of the 8th

grade techsperts are going.

And the other really cool thing about it is that just like the last dance, you can dress up! You can

try out the 70’s fashion. It's going to be great.

Last Week by Cassidy Bradshaw

Last week was filled with good surprises and great events. We got 1st place for the book fair! I'm so happy that all the the techsperts hard work let us get 1st place! We also had career day which was amazing. I learned about many different jobs and met many different people who love their jobs. Thank you to all the people that took time out of their days to come present to ESMS.

Monday, February 8, 2016


What's on your bookshelf?  The ESMS Learning Commons is proud to announce a new challenge!  If you have an eBook checked out on Overdrive, then come by the Learning Commons to receive a prize!  Feelin' Groovy...Can you dig it?

WE WON! by Payton Conyers

I am so excited to say that we got first place I our book fair. We worked so hard on it and I fell we deserved it. Now we have to start planning for the next one too. This one is going to be a great one too, we have so much planned for it and cool ideas. By: Payton Conyers