Friday, December 2, 2016

Book Fair by Broc Dusek

Today was the second day of the Bookfair, this is way cooler then when I use to go to Westview bookfairs.  If you haven't been yet you are missing out, but you still have time until next Friday, December 9 to come to the Bookfair.  I really hope I see you there, there are some very good books and other accessories.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Book Fair by Kallie Corum

We have been working on the bookfair. So far we have made a video game for students to come in and play. We also turned the big book that we use every year into a pirate book. I think the bookfairs a success. Its been lots of fun being a techspert. I liked that meeting that we had where we got to throw books on te shelfs for the video

BOOK FAIR by Breanna Williams

Book fair is all ready here make sure you talk to your teachers to bring you in and get some good books. Also if you donate a quater to the all for books fodation you get to pick a prize from the tresure chest. Plus if you bring in a extra two dollars you get to play all six game and vote for your favriote.
Breanna williams

TECHSPERT...Gannon Willis

Well being a techspert is so fun. I love knowing I always have someone there to help me. The book fair has come along and we helped each other the whole way. This book fair is only one of a thousand reasons why this year is the best year ever. I can not wait for the next and all the memories to come at ESMS #esmsbestyearever