Tuesday, September 9, 2014


By: Gracie Kindle
            Have you ever wondered why bullies bully people? Is it fun, are they jealous of that person, or do they just do it for fun. Well those are all true and there is probably a lot more. Bullying is very common and most everyone has done it before weather you notice or not and it can cause people a lot of pain. There have also been many stories about people bullying kids and parents do it. There is three different types of bullying cyber, physical, and verbal.
            Cyber bullying is one of the most common ways to bully people. One reason is because you can bully someone and not see their face. And you can hide yourself behind the computer. You can bully on the computer, cell phone, ask.fm, instagram, Facebook , Kik , Twitter. Most people bully on ask.fm instagram facebook and kik because you can do private messaging, direct message, texting, and on ask.fm you can ask questions or just tell someone something you don’t like about them and you can put it unknown. Physical bullying is when you are pushing or hitting someone and they can’t defend themselves. This doesn’t happen as much as cyber but it is just as bad. People who just stand by and don’t do something or tell an adult are bystanders. Kids go home and the next day and  don’t want to go to school because of bullying. Verbal is where you use hurtful words to put someone down and they don’t think anyone likes them or loves them. None of the types of bullying are okay to do someone can hurt themselves or worse.
            Bullying needs to be taken seriously no matter if you are just kidding. You need to stop joking about it because they can put their life in danger. Bullying is a serious thing and there needs to be consequences that are more valuable. We need to make sure that our school is safe for everyone.

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