Tuesday, September 30, 2014

21st Century Assignments

21st Century assignments
Brody Willis
                In Ms. Travis’s 21st century class, we have had several technology assignments due lately. This week, we’ve had to complete a summary and questions assignment using technology, over a mark twain or Truman book. The questions will be for elementary students to use, when they read that book.
                On my summary and recommendation presentation, I used Spider Scribe. Spider Scribe is a way to present information in a way similar to Prezi. On the presentation I had a summary, which explained what was going on in his life, and what he was struggling with. I recommended this book who likes to read about a main character struggling, or seeing how a main character deals with their problems. I also recommended it to anyone who enjoys reading about a sports injury, and likes to see how they overcome adversity.


Home coming and our first win
By Rion Gallagher

Last week we won our first game against Cameron. Our b team won 0-6 and our A team won 0-30. And this week we face oak grove for homecoming week.  The whole football team gets to be in the parade. We also might have a float this year I hope we don’t have to walk all through downtown. I’m hoping that well win our game this Tuesday. So I’m hoping this week will be fun because I don’t want to be mad the whole week and ruin home coming because the high school football team face Odessa this Friday for the home coming.
This week is kind of like a short week because Friday is only till 12:30 but it still is a full week of school so I guess it isn’t really a short week. But it still has been a fun week because even though we lost to oak grove we all still had a good night. I hope the high school wins tonight against oak grove because we really need a win at home. Especially against a team like Odessa

Showing GRR

Showing G.R.R
By Alexis Bryson
Here at ESMS, to have a safe school we show G.R.R to keep this school safe. G – Go safety, R – Show respect, and last but not least R – Be responsible. We stay safe at ESMS because of our GRR system.
G – What does go safely mean? Well to go safely is that you watch were you are going and you don’t run into people on purpose. And if you walk from home to school, make sure that you also watch out were you are going and you are a car rider, then you wait for your mom, dad to get you. And be safe.
R – How do you show respect?  A way to show respect is by respecting your teachers, the substitutes, students at ESMS, your peers, and the tiger family at ESMS. Be kind to others at school give people compliments like “Hey you look nice we should hang out soon” or something like that. Help others out with group work if they don’t get it.
R – Be responsible? To be responsible means to bring all of your materials to your classes. By all of your materials that means to bring your pencil or pen to write, paper, planner, book to read, binder to put everything in or folder, notes, homework because you might have to turn that in. You need to make sure that you are prepared for class.
 Make sure that you show GRR at ESMS!!! J

My Shoulder Progression

My Shoulder Progression
Brody Willis
I’ve been doing therapy for almost three weeks now, and my shoulder has been progressing tremendously. I have all my essential motion back, but my motion is still improving. I have also started my strengthening, and even though my shoulder is still very weak, it is a lot stronger than it was.
I only have roughly two weeks left, unless the doctor says I need to be in therapy longer. If I do get cleared by the doctor, I will be able to fully participate in gym. I will not do anything over head for a while though, even if it is supposed to be okay to. I’m hoping everything gets stronger and better so I can be cleared in two or three weeks.

Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad
By: Madeline Craven
       Science Olympiad is a great way to get your grades up in science. We meet every Tuesday and Thursday and have a great time. What we do is we have a meet every two weeks.
We have crime busters witch is discovering what the liquids are and seeing who did the crime, Rotor egg drop which is building a contraction that connects an egg to it, drop it and see if it cracks. And many more things.
The teacher in charge is Mrs. Gatrel. So go do it next year or see if you can sign up today!!!!


Marching Band

Marching Band
Morgan Milledge

                        Friday, September 19th was “Middle School Night” at Tiger Stadium. Because of this, the 8th grade band got to play pre-game with the high school band. Combined, there were 112 members in the band! In preparation, we learned and memorized three new songs; On Wisconsin (our fight song) , the alma mater, and The Star Spangled Banner.
                   Learning to march was very complicated but definitely got easier. I was nervous and I thought that I might mess up in front of everyone but the high school students were very nice and helpful. Overall, the night went well and the whole band sounded great. Now, we get to march in the homecoming parade and I’m very excited!