Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Book Recommendation by Cameron

     Allies is a book about a U.S soldier named Dee who took part in D-Day with his friend, Sid, by 
his side. It took a lot of bravery to get to the seawall. Would he get pelted by a storm of German 
bullets or would be the lucky soldier to make it? Samara is a child who is on her own after her mother 
got caught helping a family escape. She has to help deliver a message to the Resistance with a 
companion named Cyrano. She wants to save her mother, but will she in time? Henry, a medic, 
was running around to save his fellow soldiers that lay on the beach. He only could save a few at 
a time. Would he rescue them in time, or would he watch them die in his arms? So many things 
to do with such limited time. Alliesis packed with action. It is also about WWII and its historical fiction. 
If you like stuff like that, this book is for you. You can find it in the Historical Fiction section in the 
learning commons. That's all for now. Bye! :) by Cameron

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