Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Test taking tips by Regan

Blog Quarter 3: 2-1-21 Because of last week's snow days some tests have been moved to this week. Having so many tests during one week or several in one day can be very stressful, so today I am going to share some test taking advice. One tip is to study a little bit everyday instead of cramming all of your studying into the day before your test/s. If you try to remember everything that you learned in one day you will most likely mix up what you learned and it will be much harder to take the test. Another tip is that if you’re struggling to remember a certain term or definition, come up with a trick to remember it. It doesn’t matter if it sounds weird, all that matters is that you remember it. A strategy that lots of teachers have told us to use during the test is to read the question and choices first then read the passage. This way you know what you’re looking for as you read. If you can’t remember a definition or term I recommend that you create a Quizlet set to practice. Last year I used Quizlet a lot and it really helped me on the tests. Finally, my personal favorite tip. If you can’t remember a term or definition no matter what you do, get out your notes right before you go into the class where you’re taking the test and find the term or definition you need. Once you know it, keep repeating it to yourself until you get your test. Then go immediately to that question and you won’t have to worry about trying to recall the answer later. I don’t use this one often because Quizlet helps me to remember the definitions however if Quizlet doesn’t quite work for you then you could use this one. Remember to go slow and take your time on tests, have a great day!

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