Monday, September 28, 2020

Student Book Recommendation

Book recommendations “A Wrinkle In Time” This book I’m writing about is called “A Wrinkle In Time” and I’ve read it before but it was quite a bit long ago and i just started reading it again. But i can kinda recall what has happened in the book, so a short story about what the book is about is there’s this girl named Meg Murry and her little brother Charles Wallace, and they lost their father, Mr. Murry, about five years ago and people are just saying he ran off but that’s not what Meg thinks. Their father was an intelligent scientist and went missing when finding out a new planet and using a tesseract to get there. On the way to finding their father they group up with one of Meg's classmates named Calvin O'Keefe and he wants to help them. They also find three mysterious people named, Mrs. Who, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Which, and they help them a lot with things like getting them to the dangerous planet to save their father. But you should read it to find more because there’s a lot of information you don’t know yet and it's really good. Also I’m pretty sure that’s it's in Mrs. Travis library but the one i saw in her library had a different book cover so I’m not for sure that it's the same book. Sincerely, Lacy

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