Tuesday, December 19, 2017

End of Semester Blog By Kyra

End of semester blog: Kyra 

     This semester has been very exciting. As a techspert we get to do a lot of things that benefit the learning commons, the school, and the community. In the school we plan events, run book fairs, and work with and fix the technology. In the LC we run lessons and fix ipads that come to be fixed. In the community we now write articles for the paper, collect donations for All for Books (more in paragraph 2) , and help with the canned food drive.

    Some of my favorite things that happened this semester were the Winter Wonderland book fair. The whole learning commons was decorated and the balloon arch was enough to send chills down my spine. The book fair also inspired Mr.Rubey on the Shelf, a student favorite (also Mr. Travis’s). Every day he is hidden in a new spot for students to find and win a prize. With that book fair we also introduced the King and Queen. The candidate who raised the most money would win. The money was collected from students, teachers, family, and friends. The total amount was almost two hundred and fifty dollars and all the money went to All for Books, an organization that helps needy kids here in Excelsior Springs get presents and books during the holiday season.

This year I also had an amazing group. Together we accomplished many feats but we also had a lot of laughs. We have become close friends and have recognized each others strengths and weaknesses as well as who they play in our friend group.

Grace: grace is the one who gets everything done. If something needs to be accomplished she will get it done. She is also there when you need a friend.
Rhylee: Always has some idea in her brain even out of techsperts. She also makes fuzzy socks and leggings look good.
Olivia: always prioritizes and helps us stay on task. The best tall person ever.
Nolan: always contributes and helps everyone understand in group discussions. Makes everyone laugh.
Dalton: always has out of the box ideas and looks for different ways to do things. Always makes everything a game.


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