Thursday, October 31, 2019

School is amazing by MIA

School is amazing! I mean that’s what I think, but some 
people think school STINKS! But school is the best thing 
we got of learning, because you need to learn all the things 
at school to get a job. Like Math is for money or graphing 
your grade. ELA is for reading, typing, and writing; Science 
is for if you want to be a scientist. I don’t know what Social 
Studies is for tho.?.?.? But it might be still important. School 
might be fun if you make it fun, listen to directions, be kind 
to others, and stay positive.

Book Fair by Mia

Do you like the book fair? Well if you do, on December 2-13 
is going to be the first book fair. It’s going to be so much fun 
to get new books and gadgets. Make sure you have enough 
money to get the stuff you need (just like the mixer or the 
dance.) Well if you didn't go to the first book fair theirs, a 
second one in April something we haven't really decided 
yet but, we know that there's a second book fair. Hopefully 
you won't miss both or you will have it wait for next year.

Sports by Lacy

Well now that volleyball is over the sports that i'm trying to decide to do is wrestling or basketball. 
For basketball you have to try out and for wrestling you don't have to and you just show up to the 
practices. I’ve been wanting to do wrestling because i’ve done it before but i'm also shy so i feel like 
that will be hard for me. But than i also like basket ball and some of my friends are doing it but also 
some of my friends are doing wrestling. I also have some of the stuff for wrestling and i don't really 
have anything for basketball. 

But wrestling starts today and basketball starts tomorrow so i really have to know what i want to do. 
Some of my friends that are doing wrestling want me to do it but we might have wrestle boys and to
 me i would feel awkard and once again i'm shy. But also my friends who are doing basketball want 
me to do basketball so i'm confused on what i want to do. Also i’ve never played basketball so i wouldn't 
know what to do and if i don't make the team than i don't know what i’ll do. This is my blogs about sports.

This quarter by Trent

My grades for this quarter are good and I'm trying out 
for basketball and I hope that I make the team. To marrow 
all the basketball people that are trying out are going to 
get a note saying if they make it or not. 

This week it's snowed monday, tuesday, wednesday, and 
thursday. Instead of happy halloween it marry halloween 
because it's snowing. Everybody is going to be wearing 
warm clothes. Well that's all for this week bye.

by Trent

We jest did the recycling and the stuff flow all over, but we got all of it 
in and done. This week we have a half day thursday and no school friday. 
We have parent teacher conference on wednesday the 23rd and Thursday
 the 24th. Friday teachers and students have no school because the 
teachers worked so hard on parent teacher conference. Thanks teachers
 for helping us learn this first quarter. 

You might be wondering who the first quarter spirit sticks went to. Well 
in 6th grade it went to Kraken. In 7th grade went to Dragons. Last in 8th 
grade it went to the gargoyles. Well that's all for today. bye.

This week by Dylan C.

This week is Halloween and I’m really excited because Halloween is my favorite holiday. Also, 
today is my birthday and I am really happy. I’ve been Messing around with the piano in the innovations
 lab and I have learned in song , well it’s kinda like a theme song though. But tomorrow I’m going
 to look up on my iPad hoe to play some songs. I hope that you have a good day.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Book Fair by Lundyn

Book fair
I think having a book fair every year is a great idea! 
The book fair is full of awesome books of all kinds, that 
is what I love most about the book fair. There are all kinds 
of books everyone likes if it’s minecraft books to makeup 
books it’s all there. THe book fair does’t only sell books 
they sell eracrs, pens, posters, and so much more. The 
ESMS does the book far about 2-3 times each school year 
and I am exited for this one!

Blog by Jocelyn

First quarter is over. There was a lot of good things about first quarter, but there was also 
some bad things. I’m really excited that we have already finished 25% of the school year. 
Some of the good things about first quarter is that I kept my grades up all quarter. Another thing
that was good that happened during first quarter is I did cross- country and I placed pretty well in all 
my races. Another thing that happened in first quarter that was good is I have learned more about 
technology and how to fix it.
Some of the bad things that happened during first quarter is I was always behind on my work in
 techsperts, and I always had to catch up on the last day to turn it in. Another bad thing that happened 
in first quarter is I didn't get all A’s in all of my classes. Another bad thing that happened in first quarter 
is I joined Cross-Country late so I didn't get to run in the first race, and the second race got cancelled.

BOO Grams by Dylan L.

Boo grams 
We ar snow selling boo grams at the esms for $.50 
each it is going to end October 31, so get one when 
you. We are selling them in the lunch room in the far 
left corner by the builtenbord. They are blow pops with 
gum in side of it. We made 300 boo grams and some 
of them are named jimmy, bob, Fred,eta. they ar error 
sell deering lunch get them at the end of lunch so you 
have time to eat.

Book Recommendation by Jaylenn

Book Recommendation
By Jaylenn
The book that I am recommending is in the realistic fiction section. The
book is called “Wonder” and it is by R.J. Palacio. My 4th grade teacher read it to us everyday after recess. I was hooked on the book only 2 chapters into the book. It is about a boy who has a face deformity, and is about to start public school for the first time. He’s very into science and space and he's excited to learn more in depth about it. He’s also very scared to start going to public school because he doesn’t know what people will think about him. He makes many friends but also has to deal with lots of bullies. There is also a movie about it now. I highly recommend both the book and the movie. I also highly encourage you to read Wonder.

Guitars by by Brody H.

Recently I have been playing a lot, with the guitar in the learning commons. It 
is always fun to learn a new instrument. Especially when a lot of the music you listen to uses it. 
Not to mention it makes writing blogs and reflection easier. But I digress, I'd rather not this blog 
into another music rant thing.

I haven’t gotten to work on a thing for the tv in a while. Mainly cause there is 
nothing we have needed it for. But when the book fair kicks up again I’ll be probably be making 
an advertisements, for it. I look forward to it as well.

BOO Grams by Tanya

Since Halloween is coming up soon, our school has 
decided to do something associated with it. We are 
doing boo grams! Well what’s a boo gram? It’s a little 
piece of paper that goes to your friends with a sucker 
attached to it. They are 0.50 cents. They go towards 
a good cause. 

This good cause is to help kids get school supplies that 
are needed. This is a simple way to show your friends 
you care about them around the holiday. They are selling 
until Thursday morning. So go buy some for your friends!

Basketball tryouts by Jacob

Basketball tryouts are today and I am going to try out. I don’t know if I will make the team 
but I did last year. If I do make the team the coach is Coach Stalder, last year my coach was 
Coach Dolsky. I want to make the team but if I don’t it won’t be a huge deal. It won’t be a big 
deal because then I can lift with Coach Faubian or I can take extra time to practice baseball. 

My shoes don’t have good traction on my shoes so I will probably be sliding all around. I missed 
the meeting yesterday because I had an orthodontist Wel yesterday so I couldn’t be there. I was 
the manager in sixth grade so I think it helped me make the team. I think since I made the team 
last year I will have a decent shot at making the team and if I do I will be excited.

Football is over by Zeb

I have finally finished football I am sad but happy at the same time 
because I now have time to hunt. And now I don’t have a sport until 
spring so I have like nothing to do other than work and hunt. So what 
I’m going to do is I’m gonna work on baseball every other day and the 
do weights and conditioning almost every day. Yesterday I got rained 
on while I was hunting and I was completely soaked.
    This weekend is youth season and I have a new stand for this year. 
It is about a max of 100 yard shot maybe but I might be able to see into 
the other field. I’ve seen if my gun was sighted in by shooting at coconut 
from 100 yards away first try so now I’m ready for the season.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Monster Scavenger Hunt by Audrey

Hello everyone and welcome to another one of Techsperts’ Blogs! So today I’m here 
to update you on what’s been happening here in school! Well, for starters, me and 
mack are doing a Halloween Scavenger hunt! We are going to hide clues around the 
school for you guys to find! Also we are doing the Bookfair! The theme is “And the 
Winner is…” so what book do you think will win?

BOO Grams by Deagen

 Do you wish you were able to show your friends how much you appreciate them without 
telling right to their face . Well then the boo gram is for you . Boo grams are a fun way to show 
your friendship . The boo gram is a ghost with Treat inside with a fun message. 
     You can purchase a boo gram during lunch at the boo gram stand by the stairs . 
You give them money and tell them who you want to give it to. Them you wait and see their reaction.

Book Fair by Izzy

The book fair is coming up. There are lots of posters around. There is one in the commons, one 
near the gym doors, one by the entrance, one in the eighth grade hallway, one is the seventh grade 
hallway, and one is in the sixth grade hallway.

Second Quarter by Alayna

We are now in  second quarter, which means we only have 3 more quarters to go. In first 
quarter we wrapped up volleyball, football, and cross country. But now that we are in second 
quarter wrestling is starting. We are selling boo grams in the commons so make sure you go 
and get on for yourself or your friends. Their is still book recommendations  in the learning commons 
so make sure you come and get one of those and finish 3 to be entered into a drawing for a prize.

Last week by Jaylenn

10/23/19- Our 8th grade boys just had their last game last night at Pleasant Hill. We 
lost 26-6. Haunt on Saturday was really fun but my voice was sore after. Lane’s brother, 
Dalton was too chicken to go into a haunted house. His girlfriend wanted to but he didn’t 
want to so they didn’t. On Monday I had practice and it was a disaster. Everybody was 
a mess and not very many people were hitting their stunts. We also got our music and I 
don’t like it at all. It’s terrible. Vicious did really well last night and I love their routine and 
music. Hopefully tonight at cheer is better.

Weekend plans by Katie

ctober 24: I am so excited for the weekend I am going to play with my new puppy and I will 
play with her outside. I will most likely sleep in and play games but I’m happy to have some 
extra time to myself. I’m hoping to do so many things this weekend! I really want to play with 
my puppy outside and beat that game that I had been playing. But I hope to get some drawings 
that I had in mind. I hope to get my Halloween costume done and then try it on. But it doesn’t really 
matter what I will do this weekend but I know that I will have fun.

Blog by Caoline

Hi everyone! I know I haven’t been up to date on my blogs lately. Sorry! 
Halloween is coming up! Boo grams are being sold, buy them during lunch! If 
you’re in an after school activity sign up for the activity bus. What are you going to 
be for Halloween? A ghost? Skeleton or zombie? Something from a favorite movie 
or show? Hopefully you wear something warm. It is getting chilly out! But anyway, 
have a great weekend and enjoy the three day break from school!

Volleyball has ended by Alani

This is the last week volleyball we have a game Tuesday 
and Thursday, I’m really sad about it. One reason is because 
volleyball is my favorite sport out of all the sports I play, the 
second reason is I don’t really want basketball season to start. 
Last year before I started I was so excited to play but once I 
made the team I hated it, we did all this extra running and didn’t 
really know our plays, sure we won every game but two but that’s 
because we played with each other before on the volleyball team 
and we knew each other's efforts, but not once did we actually do 
a “play” because all we knew  was to run and pass the ball. I still 
have to play this year because it’s a sport that’s going to keep me 
in shape in between volleyball and basketball.

Volleyball season has sadly passed. I'm really sad about it too. 
Although I will be playing for a club team during basketball. The 
club team is probably going to be the only thing that going to keep 
me going in basketball. I did this last year as well and I loved it, it 
kept my mind off all the negative things going on, like basketball.

Busy Week by Gracey

This week has been busy. Only because we have parent-teacher 
conferences. So all week we have been getting the learning commons
ready for that. Including getting all the books were put away and all the 
books organized. We had almost three book carts that we had to put 
away a mix of every genre. We had some that were non-fiction and 
then all the genres of fiction. 

But now we are getting the chairs and tables organized then all 
the stress will be relieved. Now we can go onto our regular 
projects and blogs, etc. but that has been our week. And its 
monday and grades are due so we are kicking butt to get our 
stuff turned in to get a good grade. So thats what im gonna go do.  

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Boo Gram by WIlla

 Happy Halloween! Want to send a message                 
 just like this to your friends? Well, buy a boo gram .
then! Boo grams sell before school and during lunch 
for 50 cents each. They will be up for purchase starting 
Tuesday, October 22nd, until October 31st. All of the boo 
grams will be delivered on Halloween. Buy them, and sell 
them to all your friends.

Boo Grams by Gaige

Happy Halloween!!! You can send this 
message to your friend if you spend only 
50 CENTS!!!!! This is going on until 
October 22 to October 31. Come get a 
Boo gram before school and at Lunch.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

BOO Grams by Emma

This week in the middle school is brining the boo grams from now until October 31, 
so make sure you go to the cafeteria before school and during lunch and write a small 
note to your friend, teacher ,or someone in the school .

Showcase by Addi

Parent teacher conferences are coming up which i nervous about. I don’t like parent teacher conferences because it’s just people talking about how bad you are right in front of you. Even though I'm not exactly a bad kid i still get nervous about what they’re going to say. I mean i say a lot of stupid things sometimes so they sometimes bring those up which is really akward.
       On the bright side of that it means we have a half day on thursday and no school on friday. Which is a very good thing because school is really boring and tiring sometimes. So I get a break and don’t have to work all day on friday. I just realised means we’ll have a 3 day weekend and I'm honestly so happy.

This week by Emma

  This week we have a half day Thursday and no school on Friday!!! And on Wednesday 
its a parent teacher conference after school . And the last game for the middle school football 
team was on saturday and the weather is cold on a few days but warms up a bit through the week.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Boo Grams by Gaige

Happy Halloween!!! You can send this 
message to your friend if you spend only 
50 CENTS!!!!! This is going on until 
October 22 to October 31. Come get a 
Boo gram before school and at Lunch.