Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Career Choices by Willa

Career Choices.

Many little kids want to be doctors, nurses, artists, firefighters, or construction workers, 
but not me, I have always wanted to be something more. When I was little I always wanted 
wanted to be an author. Before I could write or read, I would draw pictures, and when I would
 tell the story I would just make stuff up to match the picture. I was embarrassed by the stories, 
and would hide them in the piano bench when friends or family came over. As II grew up, I loved 
writing more and more. My hard work paid off, and people started to read and really like my stories.
 Then, in fourth grade I got super into ocean animals.I fell in love with marine biology. I wanted to be
 a marine biologist so bad. Then, in fifth grade, we went on a cruise to Mexico. We went snorkeling,
 and I was scared silly. I was so terrified to get into the ocean, I was on the verge of tears. I couldn’t 
believe how I wanted to be a marine biologist so bad, but was scared of the work setting. I gave up 
on my goals of being a marine biologist.

Then the idea came to my head when we were doing social studies in class one day. 
What if I build rockets for NASA as my career? I did all the research I could on job 
openings for NASA, salary, what degrees I needed to have, and how old did I have
 to be to start. I could start working for NASA at the age of 16, but was it worth 
moving to Texas, and not going to college for. I still have 5 years to make the
 decision if I want to graduate high school early or not. Or maybe, NASA will 
shut down before I make it there, but it never hurts to dream and make goals.

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