Tuesday, May 21, 2019

End of year blog by Braedyn

This year I have learned to do stuff earlier instead of waiting till the last minute to do it.  I have also learned how to organize the books using the Dewey Decimal system. We also learned how to work as a group to get stuff done faster.

In techsperts, we have to do blogs on what is going on in the school and what's going on in techsperts. Once a week we have to organize and put away books,  every day we have to do a work log on what we did. Sometimes teachers will ask if we can work on projects for them.

I am excited for next year because I will be a web leader, a techspert, and I will be in algebra 1.  As a web leader, I will get to participate in helping the incoming 6th graders, and give them tips about middle school.   As a techspert, I will get to work on projects since I'll be in the 2nd hour, our projects include organizing books, creating videos for Mr. Atkins, help teachers if they need it, write blogs, and work on posters.  Algebra 1 is a 9th-grade course which includes a high school credit. in the class, you learn advanced 9th-grade math.

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