Thursday, February 28, 2019

Blog by Brody

The new book fair is going to be a whole bunch of fun. Sure it’s around the
map testing time, but it is after spring break. (two things to look forward too) Not too mention the map testing probably won’t be that bad. The bookfair will probably be the most exciting. But mainly I’m here to talk about the B.O.G.O deal. B.O.G.O stands for buy one get one free.  So at this book fair when you buy one book you get another equal or lesser value for free! So stop on by the bookfair, starting April 26.

Coming Olivia

Blog by Grace

  This week the techsperts have been working very hard on the word of the week board. The word of the week board will be a laminated paper that has an inspiring word that will motivate students to work harder and always do there best. Especially with the map tests coming up some of the students will need some extra inspiration to keep going through all of the tests. The word of the week board will be up until the end of the year and will have a new word every week.

     Also, don’t forget about the book fair coming up in April. The book fair will be here for the week of April 22nd-April 26th. Also the book fair will be buy one get one free which means you can get one book and then get another book that is the same price or lower for free. DOUBLE THE BOOKS!!! I think that is very exciting because you can get more books. This book fair will be themed “the book was better.”

Friday, February 22, 2019

MAP Testing by Jaylenn

Since M.A.P testing is coming up the 6th and 7th
grade techsperts are working on quotes to put on the doors. We are doing this to build people’s confidence. We are also working on decorating the Commons by coming up with ideas to put out there. We have also have a meditation station in the Learning Commons. There are all sorts of things to help. There are stress balls, rubix cubes, and more. It helps you to calm down if you are upset.

Blog by Gracey

We have updated our Learning Commons, we have added a meditation center. This place where you can come in and relax and think about whatever is happening or what you are feeling we have relaxing music. Stress balls, rubix cubes, molecule thing and a snake cubes. There is a whole bunch of stouthearted and just sit and let everything out or just to focus.

Book Fair by Brody

The new book fair is going to be a whole bunch of fun. Sure it’s around the
map testing time, but it is after spring break. (two things to look forward too) Not too mention the map testing probably won’t be that bad. The bookfair will probably be the most exciting. But mainly I’m here to talk about the B.O.G.O deal. B.O.G.O stands for buy one get one free.  So at this book fair when you buy one book you get another equal or lesser value for free!

Techspert by Rylee

Hey Rylee here. I’m just going to talk about my techspret experiences so far. Well first of all we haven’t had that much because of the weather. The weather has been really bad this year. We had a lot of snow and then a ice storm! Besides all that we have been working really hard in class. Some of us have been working on the spring wonderland in our commons. a few of us have been working on movie posters for our upcoming book fair. Again our bookfair will be April 22nd-26th.

Blog by Nolan

The next book fair is coming with a great new theme “the book is always better”. Which you can come to on family night with snacks and games!

Lately we, the excelsior springs school district, have been getting a lot of days off. This semester alone in just two months we have had at least 10 days off. As of right now we will be going to June 5. The furthest that we can go is June 7.

Book Fair by Ethan

  It’s Book Fair Time!
                The next book fair is coming Soon

                  The theme is The book is always better!

Book Fair by Lily

Book Fair by Grace

Book Fair by Nolan

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Book Fair by Jacob

I am very excited about our next upcoming book fair! It is buy one get one free. The decorations that we are creating are going to look very cool! There are going to be some very good books and we are going to have a lot of fun. We are going to have a raffle for prizes. The tickets are 50 cents a ticket or 3 for a dollar. The snow days have delayed the decoration process but I still think it will turn out very well. Overall I am very ready to see how this bookfair is going to the turn out.

Blog by Grace

  This week we have been doing as much as we can with the time that we have. Since we have been having all of these snow days we have less and less time to prepare for the book fair that is coming up in April. The book fair will run from April 22nd- April 26th. This book fair will be a buy one get one free. This means that if you get one book, and then if you find another book that is the same price or lower it will be free, how exciting!! 

    In my opinion, the buy one get one free book fair has always been my favorite because you get twice the amount of books for the same price and i’ve always loved that. you can even get more books that you would prefer to read for fun since you can get more books that usual. so don’t forget that this book fair will be a buy one get one free and you will be able to buy more books that the other book fairs. I believe everyone should check out the book fair when it gets here!

Blog by Ethan

For this blog the first thing I’m going to be talking about is the next book fair starts on April 22 so not to far away. And the theme is the book is always better for example the hunger games and I think the giver but I don’t know  which came first the book or the movie. But on another topic we are decorating the comments. We are putting up flowers, butterflies ex.

Also we as techsperts will be coming around the school and taking pictures of students working so if you see use pop into your classroom during 1st and 2nd hour that’s what we are doing so smile for the camera. And watch out for the weather this weekend it’s supposed pretty bad.

Thank you for reading my blog and my name is Ethan and have a good day.

Blog by Mason

On the rare occasions that we’ve been at school we’ve been hammered with work to do. We always have extra assignments that we have to do during excel. We’ve had 9 snow days and as of right now our last day is June 5th.

Snow Days by Broc

We have had so many snow days. Which it always happens to be on a Wednesday, but sadly
this is our only year that we will have short we will have short Wednesdays. Wednesday use to
be the best all around day of the week but now all we have is chicken patty. Not having short
Wednesday’s next year ruined my birthday.

Blog by Chance

Although we’ve not had many days of school recently, we have still been very very busy. During Techsperts we have had no time to relax because Ms. Travis has been keeping us super busy with new tasks each and every day.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Book Fair by Emily

Blog by Alayna

By: Alayna

    We are finally in second semester of school! We have one more book fair left. This book fair will start April 22nd and end April 26th. This book fairs theme is new books turned into new movies. This book fair is a buy one get one free with the same or lesser value. We also have a raffle going on. 3 tickets for $1 or 1 ticket for 50 cents. You get the chance to win a no electronic party with Ms. Travis. You could play bored games, draw, or talk with friends. We are also starting a tic tac toe board game. If you get a win then you can pick a prize. For more information go to the Learning Commons and read the front door.

    In 7th grade we learning about daily life in the Middle Ages in Social Studies. In ELA we are learning about argumentative writing. In Science we are learning about thermal energy. Finally in Math we are learning how to simplify equations. That’s what we are learning about in 7th grade.

Blogspot by Alyssa

Welcome back to another blog. Happy Valentines! Hope everyone enjoyed
 the three days of school we had off. But it’s back to work. There’s no time 
to waste especially with map testing coming up soon. Eighth grade is getting
prepared for their trip to Washington DC and New York in May. Seventh
 grade is finishing up things so that grades can go in and same with sixth

Thursday is Career day, Valentines Day, and the meeting for the 
Washington DC, New York trip. And a half day! On Wednesday, 
with the snow, there might not be any school. So far, we’re going to 
school until June 4th. There’s another raffle coming up soon. One ticket
 for 50 cents, three for $1. Also, the bookfair is coming soon. It’s buy one
 get one free. That’s all for now, see you next week.

Blog by LIly

This semester techsperts are in charge of decorating the commons at ESMS. We take all
of our creative skills to turn the commons into a welcoming area, where students eat lunch, and
hangout. Last semester we had turned it to a winter wonderland, with snowmen playing, and
snowy scenes. This semester we are going to make a spring scene, complete with flowers, and
cute animals. We decorate to set the mood for the students, especially with map testing along
the way, putting students in a positive mood is the ESMS goal. We hope you come by and see

our hard work.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Book Fair Video by Izzy

Blog by Caroline

Blog 2/13/2019
Hey everyone! How you been? I realize we have had several snow days lately so you might not be up to date anymore. If you are planning to try Book Club or is already in it pay attention! Book Club will not be this Thursday but the next Thursday, the 21 of February. Don’t forget this please. Um other news… last day of soccer intervals! If you want to try stay after school today! I don’t really have any other things to say… I guess that’s all then! Oh don’t forget about parent teacher conferences tomorrow! Don’t quote me but I believe they are at 5 pm to 7 pm. I believe they are. After parent teacher conferences there is a meet for 7th grader parents about the Washington/New York trip! If you want to know more go check it out! That’s all for now I suppose. Byee!

Art and Guitar 2-13-19 by Nolan

Snow Day Blues by Chance

We have had many snow days so we haven’t been able to do that much stuff. But the upcoming book fair, which is arriving April 22nd, it is about “the book is better than the movie.” We will also be working on spring decorations for the arriving season, which is, obviously, spring. We are working on the animals for the decorations, we would be working on flowers or plants, but second hour is doing that.
Ms. Travis made a list for us that we have to do around the library, so I’m also working on making sure the library is in order and clean. We are organizing the spinny chairs and making sure that everything is clean. This is all we are doing in Techsperts class of February 2019.

Busy Blog by Haley

Lately we have been super busy with multiple activities, such as decorating for the book fair and working on the winter wonderland scene. The book fair decor was a few weeks ago, it was a Disney Princess theme, so my group designed a really interesting Rapinzel tower. We decorate for the book fair to make the library more fun and enjoyable! The winter wonderland scene contains a few snowmen that seem to be enjoying a fun snowy activity, a few are throwing snowballs at each other, others are just hanging out, looking like they are having a blast, and some are sledding down a big snowy hill. All of this is located around the commons area/the cafeteria. Kyra

After I miss my alarm, I arrive at school at 8:30. There’s a slight drizzle, and despite all of this I see a figure in a jacket picking up trash from the muddy ground.
“Hello?” I call out, to the stranger. When she turns around, it’s not a stranger at all. It’s Nikki, the school janitor. “They make you do this? Even in this weather?”
“Yep. I pick up all the trash from all around the building. But it’s not so bad,” she says smiling, “ I get to spend some time outside. It’s peaceful.” This makes me smile. We say our goodbyes, and she hopes I have a good day. I hope there isn’t much trash on the ground. Throughout the rest of my day, I can’t forget the woman picking up trash again. When I see cleaning the cafeteria floors, a group of kids walk over the freshly mopped area. How do people who do so much for the school get so little recognition from the students? Despite this, they still happily do their job, all from the shadows. They are ninjas in the night, you’ve never see them but you know they’ve been there. So here is an ode to our night ninjas, mightily fighting off the dirt and disease.

    First off, we should cover who these people are and what they do. More than just being a janitor. Their hobbies and what they enjoy, because they are all still people, something I think most students don’t realize. When I asked Nikki, she exclaims that she loves horseback riding, pointing to her shirt that depicts the majestic creatures. When I was talking to our Night Ninja she mentioned what her favorite thing about ESMS was before I even asked. She remarked about her love of the students and the community, and the positive atmosphere of the building. “I try and learn everyone’s names,” says Nikki, “despite the amount of kids.” Every person mentioned how proud they are to be a janitor and the importance of their job. “It’s on us to make sure the school is clean,” Nikki tells me, “ whenever people touch things it leaves germs behind so if we don’t clean, everyone gets sick.” Nikki tells me she’s glad to be a janitor and she spreads joy because “ A clean environment is a happy environment!”

      Throughout the presses of writing this, whenever I saw a janitor I talked to them, said hello, anything to let them know that I see and appreciate them. But I still saw people leaving behind messes for them to clean. “The best way students can help is to clean up things of the ground, or report messes. It’s our job to help, and we won’t be mad at you.” You don’t just have to tell a janitor though. “You can tell anyone, mrs. Julie, mrs. Casey, even an officer… it’s really a team effort.”

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Career Day by Katie

Hope you are all refreshed from your break!

This Thursday is Career Day! That means that many people are coming to tell everyone about their jobs. But not only that we get out a 10:38 am so make sure you tell your parents if they pick you up! Not only that we will have lunch to pick up at the end of the day! Some people’s parents are coming too! So make sure that if that parent is picking you up to find them! Other stuff going on is that this Friday we will not have school. Not only that but in April we will have the book fair! The book fair will be April 22 and end the 26. The book fair will also be a BOGOF meaning Buy One Get One Free!
Hope you all have a great week!

Blog by Braedyn

We have career day coming up on 2/14/19 which is a half day, no school Friday, and monday which is Presidents’ Day.  We also have the NWEA test coming so prepare for that.

    On April 22-26 is the buy one get one bookfair.  We are doing another raffle, 1 ticket for $.50 3 for $1.00.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Blogspot 5 by Alyssa

  Welcome to another blogspot. My name is Alyssa and this is your Monday news update. On Wednesday and Thursday early morning, they’re calling for ice so we might be out of school again. We also have parent teacher conferences those days.
    Thursday night I advise all seventh graders going into eighth grade to come to the cafeteria on Thursday at 7:15-8 to talk about the trip to Washington D. C. to New York on May 16-20th. Ms. Travis has set up something new called the Meditation Station. It’s good for relaxing but no sleeping.
    See you on Wednesday with more information about the school.

Blog by Alayna

By: Alayna

    We are finally in second semester of school! We have one more book fair left. This book fair will start April 22nd and end April 26th. This book fairs theme is new books turned into new movies. This book fair is a buy one get one free with the same or lesser value. We also have a raffle going on. 3 tickets for $1 or 2 tickets for 50 cents. You get the chance to win a no electronic party with Ms. Travis. You could play bored games, draw, or talk with friends. We are also starting a tic tac toe board game. If you get a win then you can pick a prize. For more information go to the Learning Commons and read the front door.

    In 7th grade we learning about daily life in the Middle Ages in Social Studies. In ELA we are learning about figurative language. In Science we are learning about light and sound waves. Finally in Math we are learning how to simplify equations. That’s what we are learning about in 7th grade.

Third Quarter by Grace

This third quarter is offering a new reading challenge for students at ESMS. The challenge is to read 3 books out of one of the six genres listed. The genres are Paranormal, Science Fiction, Mystery, Fantasy, Realistic Fiction, and one of our new arrivals. You only read one from each and can pick which of the 3 genres you want to read. There will be both digital and paper forms to fill out for each book so you can choose how to submit your entry. The books can be ones from the library or eBooks from Overdrive. You will have a choice either type/write a summary of the 3 books you’ve read, or you can submit a request to answer questions from a Techspert or Ms. Travis. The Deadline is on March 8, 2019 with prizes being awarded on March 16.  If you have any questions, please stop by the LC for more information.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Blog by Jaylenn


There is going to be one more book fair and the theme is
new books turned into movies. There is a raffle happening and it ends sometime next month. Mrs. Gatrel and Ms. Johnson’s Science Olympiad team is going to a meet Saturday, February 2nd, at Warrensburg High School. This is there last practice meet before Regionals. The techsperts are coming up with ideas for spring decorations and we are working on some of them too.

It is Friday by Alyssa

BlogSpot #4

Welcome back!  I’m Alyssa, it’s Friday and we again only have had three days of school this week. For most people, that’s a lot of fun, others not so much, but all in all, happy Friday. Don’t forget there is a book fair with BOGO on April 22nd to the 26th. Also, band people have a concert on the fifth on February.
In the cafeteria, the winter decorations are going to stay up for a little while longer because of the fact that it won’t stop snowing. The learning commons has some new books in. Both MAP testing and NWEA testing are coming up and even though not many people like it, it’ll be here sooner than you think. So study hard and get those scores up.
Eighth grade just finished getting classes set up for high school next year! With the school year coming to a close (even though it doesn’t seem like it) the eighth graders will be ninth graders, seventh become eighth, six becomes seventh, and a whole new group of sixth graders will be coming in. New faces, new friends, and new fun should be your goal for every year. As the board outside the school says ‘#ESMSBESTYEAREVER’. See you guys on Monday!