Friday, December 21, 2018

Blog by Alyssa


Merry Christmas! Welcome back to my BlogSpot. I’m Alyssa and I’m a seventh grade techspert. Lately, we have been making some changes to the Learning Commons and the lunch room. We went out and got some of their opinions, here’s what they had to say.

Looking at the lunch room, people said “It’s very pretty.” Or “I loved the lights, but they should cover the windows on the ceiling, so that the lights show a little bit more.” Some people said, “You should add a Christmas Tree!” “Maybe decorate it a little more, but it’s very organized.” Also, “It should be a little more festive”. But I agree with every single one of these.

Just recently, we had a book fair in the Learning commons. We got some opinions and here’s what they had to say. “It was really cool.” “I think it needs more decorations because if there was, I couldn’t tell what it was.” Or, “There needs to be a larger book choice because some of those books are easy reads.” Come and visit our next book fair April 22, 2019. Hope to see you ther

Blog by Gracey


     It’s coming close to the end of 1st semester. We are wanting people to come into the learning commands and want to teach in here more!

    We also wanted to know what kind of technology people wanted if we were to get them next semester or next year. People kept saying Mac book pros. I wanted Mac book pros too. But the thing is I don’t want the school to pay good money for them and then people treat them badly.

    Finally, we also wanted to see what people’s goals were for next semester. Most people said that they wanted to focus on getting better grades but then some people wanted to not get as much tarries as others.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

This semester by Grace

     This semester in techsperts has been amazing! We have accomplished and grown so much as a group and I could not be more proud of my hour including Ethan , Kyra , Lily , Mackenzie , Nolan , Olivia , and Rachel . I  could not have accomplished everything I accomplished without their support. They are truly the best and I wouldn’t want anyone else to be in hour. I am extremely thankful for them. Also, I have the best time in this class because of all the support I get from each and everyone of them.

     This semester we have been in charge of decorating the learning commons doors which looked awesome! We also were in charge of many other tasks including helping with the commons winter theme which all hours helped on, and many other tasks. We also make advertisements for the book fairs to get the word out about them. My favorite task we have had so far this year is we got to pick a subject and help those teachers with their classes, This would include finding resources for them to use in their lessons, or even making a lesson for them. Basically we are just helping make sure the teachers are less stressed, this has been a lot of work with the semester coming to an end

Blog by Ethan

Hello everyone I’m back with a new blog and in this blog we are going to talk about all the stuff my group has done. First we have given the comments a total male over it is now a snowman winter land and now with the lights the whole lunchroom looks great thank you Miss Travis and all the techsperts that helped. Also winter break is almost here I bet all of you guys are excited because you will not haft to be at school any longer, I bet that this will be a fun break.

Also We are having spirit week next week and I think that you all will love it. Also we will soon be doing  another fun razed and there will be awesome prizes so be on the lookout for that. I hope you all have a merry Christmas and a good new year and I will see you all when we get back from break.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Book Club Blog by Caroline

Blog of


Hey everyone! Sorry I haven’t done a blog in awhile. First off I want to explain something to everyone. There is an after school club called book club. I know plenty of people think in book club you are assigned a book and have to finish it by a certain date. Then you have to write a report on it. I’m right aren’t I? Well maybe it’s like that at other schools but not this one! At book club you get a selection of books to choose from. You bring that book home and try to finish reading it by the next meet. Book club meets are on the second Thursday of every month. During book club you talk about books you’ve read and really just anything that pops into mind. I enjoy it at least! Oh if you do try book club here’s something to note; book club gets out at 3:30 pm, 30 minutes before the activity bus arrives. Or at least when it is supposed to arrive. Anyway… I recommend you try book club if you love books and love to talk about them! Oh almost forgot, if you do book club you don’t wait in the cafeteria. Instead go to the learning commons/ library for book club. It confused me the first time too, don’t worry. Anyway I think that’s all… yeah. I’ll try & post more! Other than that… bye!

Techspert Blog by Izzy

Techsperts Blog... Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Check out the Learning Commons on your way to lunch. Those snowmen are up to no good! This semester was a great one, and ending it with snowmen and winter is perfect! Christmas is coming up, and everyone is getting into the spirit. Speaking of spirit, this week was winter spirit week. Monday was holiday hats, Tuesday was white-out, where you wear all white, Wednesday was crazy or holiday socks, Thursday is wear your team color(red or green), and Friday is Ugly Sweaters! That’s all for this blog, so have a good winter break and enjoy the snow!

BLOG By: Dylan

At the beginning of the year I was a little nervous for this and I didn’t know what was heading my way. Then I met these amazing people that could be here with me through this journey. Those peoples names were Jocelyn, Deagen,Trent, Mia, and Lundyn. Some of these friends were from last year, some not, but that doesn't matter it was all about hard work and fun.
So now at the end of the year, I had a blast with everyone. It's going to be really hard to say goodbye to everyone and believe me I don’t want to do that. But I am also happy that I get to go out and explore all of the other electives. Now i just want to say goodbye. :)

Blog by Deagen

By: Deagen

  Hi my name is Deagen and I’m one of the six people that got the chance to be a techspert this semester , but it’s more about the people and how they make life so much better
  Let’s start off here . Well let’s just say my friends that they are like a second family to me . We all look out for each other and help one another if we need it . These people are amazing and they make the techspert life what it is . I couldn’t do this without them .
  Now let’s get down to the people themselves . First let’s start off with Mia , Mia is a fun and heartwarming person that always makes you laugh.
  Next we have Trent , Trent is the musical one he loves to sing and shred on the guitar
  Now lets do Lundyn , Lundyn is happy joyful person who always tells you the truth
  Then we have Jocelyn , Jocelyn is a cool girl who always gets her work done and makes sure we stay on track
   And finally we have Dylan or as we like to call him Dill pickle , Dylan is a hilarious guy who always will put a smile on your face
   Once more I’m Deagen si

Monday, December 17, 2018

Blog by Mia


          All this semester has been a blast. We had amazing time, i'm really sad to leave but i'm also really happy to start something new in the next. (after winter break of course). I have great friends and amazing people hear.

          Hopefully next year i'm a techpert  and I can have the same people to with me because at first I didn't know who they were but eventually I became  really good friends. So now the semester is almost over and I might see them I might not but I will know that they are my friends.

Techpsert by Lundyn

My teckpert year blog

At the beginning of the year i had no idea what to think but when we had the meet the teacher day it made me feel better. it helped that the people that went to my school before were in my class. the next couple of days i was terrified of mrs.travis but weeks later i was not terrified of her anymore i just learned to not get on her bad side.

A while into the quarter i loved being here i could not wait till the end of the day to come to the class where you can express yourself ,and draw ,speek free of  your ideas, paint, decorating, laughing, and so much more. But don't forget about learning to get the ipads that was hard to learn.

Saying goodbye will be hard because she is so calm and lets us be free and we have fun and get to tryout new stuff. All of the people here are so nice and so is ms.travis. And on thursday it will be really fun having a pizza party.

Blog by Trent

Blog 4
So lately i’ve been struggling with ELA so i started tutoring and so far it's really fun today. i have to take a little test so i'm a little nervous about that.  i hope that i will get better at spelling and stuff like that.

At home i started guitar lessons for my birthday and that is really fun and i can play a lot of songs. I'm so excited to get better and learn more songs.

In math i’m do serper good and im getting 3 and 4. In since i got dissect an earthworm. That was fun.

Friday, December 14, 2018

What's Happening by Nolan

For a week or so we have been decorating the commons in a winter theme. There are snowflakes, snowmen, pine trees (which I made). So make sure you take a minute to look at it.

For the 17th to the 21st is spirit week. Monday is winter hat. Tuesday is white out. Wednesday is crazy sock day. Thursday is color wars. Friday is ugly sweater. I hope you have fun during spirit week!

Ideas by Abby

Today the techsperts and I went out and got some suggestions from other fellow students. Some of the students that we asked said that maybe we could improve by getting more lights and that maybe we could start decorating a little earlier. One day we should do a book scavenger hunt that means we should read a book get a clue go to a different one and then at the end we should get a prize like candy a free ticket to the next dance and ect. Some kids also think that we should get bigger tables because some people have more than one friend and also the lunch time should be longer because some people don't have enuf time to eat. They also think that in the decorations we should put a christmas tree in it to be more jolly. Also that we should do little things for basketball and volleyball cross country and track we should put up decorations for important things like competitions at our school.

Techsperts by Jaylenn

Suggestions From Students (Blog)

Today the techsperts and I got some suggestions on on
the school. We got lots of suggestions for example, some people said they wanted blinds so when you eat you don’t get blinded from the sun. Some people want bigger tables at lunch, because some people have a lot of different friends they want to sit with. They also wanted longer time for lunch to eat, because when they dismiss us it’s already about three minutes into lunch, and by they time they sit down they only have 10 minutes to eat. One person said that we should get free ice cream Friday’s.

Some people also said things about the decorations for
example, more Christmas lights in the Commons to make it more festive. We have lots of different school sports and they want to decorate for special sports events like basketball, football, track, and volleyball. One person wants a scavenger hunt one day, so you read a book and you get clues for where the prize is. Those are some suggestions we got from fellow classmates.

Techspert by Baili

This school year has gone by so fast. But it has also been a very good
year. I'm in seventh grade so it's not like i just got here anymore. There are a couple of things that I have noticed or other students have noticed. There are a couple of things that have noticed or other students have noticed. There are some problems and solutions that I have thought of and found. I also went out in the other students from different grades to see what kind of technology they would want.
We went around the school to all the different grades to see what they
would want. The most common answers MacBooks or just new iPad in general. People were worried about the cost of these things but we just said if you had the opportunity would you pick. I personally think MacBooks or just a computer that you were able to draw on would be very useful. The reason is they picked days were so they can have different ways of learning and more fun ways of learning. I think we should take students ideas into consideration when ever we picknew things.
We recently had a big test over all the subjects. This stressed students
out  to and some were getting in very weird moods because of the test. The teachers still came up with ways to reward the students for all their hard work. We are having G.A.B parties and different incentives. But I also think it’s important to reward them for their hard work even if they didn’t do that good on the test. But you also need to teach the students how to handle big tests.
I’m so excited about this school year it is almost Christmas break. I’m so
ready to have a new start and new goals for next semester.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Winter is Coming by Ms. Travis

Book Fair number 2 is completed!  The profits were not there this time.  I feel it was too soon after the last one so next year we will only be doing 2....winter and spring!  After talking with our Scholastic Rep., the decision was made.  The fairs take time for me and the Techsperts.  I want to focus our attentions on other things as well as the book fairs.  Before the parent group took over, I only hosted 2 fairs.  The parent group wanted to make more money so they hosted 3.

I am reading articles for my PDP.  I am improving the space plus trying to make the space more critical thinking, problem solving and collaborative.  I will also complete a couple webinars on the subject as well.  I enjoy keeping updated on the ideas that help us improve our space.  Student engagement is a huge part of the ideas that I am researching.  I want items and materials in this space to be relevant and useful.  I want the space to be used and not just sitting here empty.  I love to have students in here using the guitars, vr items, and more.  It means that all the time and effort put into selecting things to enhance the curriculum is worth it.

I think everyone is looking forward to winter break.  We all need to refresh our batteries so we can finish off the year strong.  Everyone enjoy your break and we will see you in the new year!

Techsperts by Haley S.

Lately we have been super busy with multiple activities, such as decorating for the book fair and working on the winter wonderland scene. The book fair decor was a few weeks ago, it was a Disney Princess theme, so my group designed a really interesting Rapinzel tower. We decorate for the book fair to make the library more fun and enjoyable! The winter wonderland scene contains a few snowmen that seem to be enjoying a fun snowy activity, a few are throwing snowballs at each other, others are just hanging out, looking like they are having a blast, and some are sledding down a big snowy hill. All of this is located around the commons area/the cafeteria.
   We also help around the library. We give out the iPads to all the kids that leave the, in school overnight. We clean the back room that all the Techsperts do their projects in. We also make the bookshelves nice and today by making sure they are all in alphabetical order, or level with each other. We also put many books away that multiple kids check back in, we help a lot around the library. We love being a Techspert, it always keeps us on our toes, with the many activities we have to do for Ms. Travis. It is so enjoyable and makes me have fun in the morning.

Blog by Broc

The book fair just ended and the next book fair will be April 18, and it will be spring theme. I
believe that we should replace our old slow iPads with new faster bigger chromebooks. Writing
is easy for use to write essays in a short amount of time. When Mr. Broadbent gives us writing
essays in 2 weeks, it makes it small because the words are so much smaller and a actual
keyboard is way easier.

Have you seen all the new stuff in the Lc? We got new tables, new lights and new decorations.
The brand new table we got have outlet plugs and the have for seats on it and we bought 2. The
new lights we have light up the lc a lot. They have 3 different settings to make it dim or light. The
new decorations are all Christmas theme, and we are working on getting snowflakes up.

Blog by Mason

    Recently,  we’ve been extremely busy in the Learning Commons. We’ve been decorating the Learning Commons and the Commons with a winter theme. We recently just had an end to our Book Fair that lasted nearly 2 weeks. In the Learning Commons we have VR goggles and bloxels that are a learning option to take learning to another step. We also have recently purchased new tables that have a charging station for ipads.

    This year chromebooks have been a good resource for students who can’t use their ipads. I’d prefer we’d get chromebooks for each student to have instead of our slow, old ipads. They would make it easier for students so that they will be able to type on a keyboard. Chromebooks are the next step in technology and compared to ipads they’re similar in price. I believe we should get chromebooks, what do you think?

Dear Blog by Ryley

Dear Blog,
     This year as a techspert we mainly help people, we try and help any and all teachers who need anything, for example, we give the iPads out to the students, and we make sure they all get the right one. Also, we ask any teachers if they need any help with the subjects they are working on. We also help around the library, put books away and check books out. We also organize the bookshelves a lot to make sure they are neat and tidy. We also put together decorations for bookfair and anything going on in our school. We put together decorations to make our book fairs more satisfying and to attract more students towards the learning commons.
   The main project we’ve been working on lately is a winter wonderland scene in our commons areas. It has multiple snowmen and scenes of snowy activities. For our book fair we’ve been working on a Rapunzel Tower, that took us a week or two. We’re really busy in Techsperts, there is always something cool or fun to do! It is enjoyable and brings a lot of fun and activity to the day, to wake all of us up in the morning.

Techsperts by Caydence

Lately, we, Techsperts, have been really busy! The past few days as a Techsperts we girls have been working in a little winter scene with snowmen having a good time. The past week us girls have been working on the Rapunzel tower, decoration for the bookfair, we have been working on that for a long time. Us, Techsperts, are supposed to decorate the library for the bookfairs based off the theme Ms. Travis gives us. This past theme for the bookfair was Disney Princesses, it was really fun to decorate that. 
   We also help around in the library, sorting books, putting books away. Putting the books away give me a mindset of how the library works. We clean the back room a lot, the back room is where the Techsperts hangout and work on their projects. We have painted a couple of signs for a project Ms. Travis wants us to do. We also check out books and give out the iPads the kids use every school day. Being a Techsperts is fun! Very enjoyable and we never have a break, we always have new things to work on!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Book Fair by Tanya

Book Fair by Braylissa

Book Fair by Kyra

December 4th, ( a Tuesday) is Family night for the current book fair. There will be games and food, and it’s a perfect environment for family fun! With all sorts of games, it can entertain guest ranging from toddlers to teens. It starts at B and ends at B, and will be held in the ESMS learning commons. The bookfair will also be open during family night, so you can purchase books without a large class with you. The books for sale also fit a wide spectrum, from adult best sellers to preschool level, and everything in between.

    This bookfair theme is Disney Movies. We have decorated accordingly, with ubulliten boards from beauty and the beast, the little mermaid, Mary poppins, and Moana. We also have rupunzels tower and a tower filled with riches, guarded by a fearsome looking dragon. We made our own floating lights that cover the windows.

 All proseeds for the book fair go to All For Books, a charity organization that will take the money we make and use it to purchase books for children and teen who might not have an access to them. But they won’t just stop there. They will also match the money we make so that we can purchase books for the school library! We also had a contest between the  girl and boy techsperts to see who could raise the most money for All For Books, and whoever did so would be crowned prince and princess, to tie into the Disney theme. We raised $B in total, and winners raised $B and $B. These winners are Mackenzie Gooding and Ethan Sams wand will be crowned at family night.