Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Book Fair by Broc

The bookfair is running out of time! The book fair ends Friday October 5th and the next one
won’t come back till Christmas. This book fairs theme old fashion movies that turn into book and
it has been a amazing book fair. Family night is Tuesday October 2nd. Hope to see everyone

Book Fair by Mason

Our book fair has just begun and will run until Friday, October 5th. We will have Family Night
Tuesday, October 2nd. The theme for this book Fair is old movies that turned into books. We
hope to see you here!

Book Fair by Caydence

The book fair started Tuesday, and it ends Friday, October 5th. The theme for it is Old Books That Turned Into Movies(Vintage).The book fair includes a whole bunch of toys, pillows, and BOOKS! There is also a family night which occurs October 2nd, this is an awesome thing for families of all ages, you can buy books, have fun, and just hang out! There are so many things happening this month! This book fair is just one of the special highlights.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Book Fair Ad by Braylissa

Book Fair Ad by Tanya

Book Fair Ad by Caroline

  Vintage Book Fair
Hey there everyone! Guess what! There’s a book fair coming! And even more it’s a vintage book fair! Don’t miss out!

Blog by Katie

We had been working hard on the book fair all week and we are excited to work on these projects for the school book fair. We might have a movie playing in the library on family night but it is not final. We also are going to have posters hung up about vintage movies. We hope you come to our book fair! There is also a dance on Friday.

Blog by Ethan

  This is my second log of the year and i’m so glad to be writing. So with that out of the way let get star. So this year will be having 3 book fairs and the first one theme is old movies. Witch is a awesome idea if you ask me because I love movies. We have already finished the door and the cases by it. And I think it looks great together with the cans and the movies and if you have a idea for use don’t be afraid to tell use. We are always up to make the library better. We are really excited for this year and we all hope you guys are to because I know it will be great. Ow I almost forgot that I might have something cool for the school to do every month but we will see. Thanks you for ready my blog and I will have another one out soon. :)

BOOK FAIR by Mackenzie

We are so excited to announce that the book fair is finally arriving. The theme is something we never done before CINEMA SMASH. You may think that your at the movies but no no no you walk in and boom your at are school book fair isn’t that amazing. The dates the book fair are September 24- October 5 make sure you come and check it out.

Blog by Nolan

The first book fair this year is called Cinema Smash. It will display several classics such as the Sandlot , Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and more. Your money that you use to buy books will be used to for more books in your classrooms. I have been working on one of the showcase doors, in front of the learning commons. It is supposed to be like a candy self in a movie theater. This book fair is going to be great

Blog by Olivia

This past month in techsperts has been great we have done so much and got a lot done. We handed out iPads to 6th, 7th, and 8th and helped the tech department. We started and quit a bit of book fair projects and finished almost all of them. Some of them being our showcase, bulletin board, and the door, we have also started to clean up the back room and pick up stuff in the library.

The cinema smash book fair starts September 24th and ends October 5th. We will have a ton of books you can check out, also you can donate to all for books. All for books is where we donate the money to schools that don’t have to many. Next week I plan on getting more done and having everything done before cinema smash begins.

Blog by Grace

 So far this year we have been working on getting ready for the book fair. It will be an classic movies. Also, the theme for the entire year is cinema smash. The book fair will be from September 24th to October 5th. We have been working very hard to get everything set up in time for the book fair. That is what we have been doing so far this year.

   I’m looking forward to doing the next 2 book fairs and seeing how they turn out. Also, I’m super excited to do a bunch of tasks. I’m excited for this stuff because it is a lot of work, but the outcome and how much everybody loves what we do is amazing. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else all year!

Book Fair by Broc

The book fair begins September 24th, and ends October 5th. This year's theme is movies than were turned into books, like Wizard of Oz, Sandlot and Karate Kid. Family night will be happening October 2nd from 4 to 6:30 p.m. This year's book fair hashtags are #thebookisalwaysbetter and #cinemasmashbookfair. We need as many people at this year's book fair and family night; so be there because it will be a great time!

Book Fair is Coming! by Chance

2018-19 Book Fair

Cinema Smash

This year’s book fair theme is Cinema Smash! And the fall book fair theme is vintage movies. The book fair runs from September 24th to October 5th. Family Night is on October 2 from 4 to 6:30 PM. This year”s hashtags for the bookfair are #thebookisalwaysbetter and #cinemasmashbookfair