I think the lunch for school needs to be something that everyone wants to eat. The lunch for school right now isn't very good. They should make foods instead of having pre made food. I think they should give you more options for sides like you don't have to get mashed potatoes you can get your own amount of food instead getting a little amount of food and you are still hungry are you get done with your plate. You should have the option of juices too that come with your meal instead of you buying them. They need to also have milk that is not expired. Students deserve better meals so they can be full of energy when they have sports after school. We also need more time to eat kids feel rushed. When I feel rushed I don't eat as much. We should get fresh fruit too instead of oh I don't care if there's lettuce in the watermelon. They should come to school and cut fresh fruits plus make homemade food. I love to have homemade food it just taste better than pre made food. Also I feel that if they make pre made food at least take time and dedication. Just throwing food on a plate is it okay I hate when my foods are mixed. They also need to cook some food a little bit more because I have gotten undercooked chicken patty a lot of times, or even overcooked and you can't cut into it. I just feel that if you have kids coming to school for a good education you should provide decent food for them to have energy to do things. Nobody can go do things on a empty stomach. We deserve better food and when they make it at least have some respect to make it. How would you like to be served undercooked food or pineapple mixed with your chicken that's gross!
Monday, August 31, 2015
Thursday, August 27, 2015
This year....by Rebekah Harness
This year some of the eighth graders get to take geometry up at the high school. After geometry we have to walk down to the middle school. I think that this is great because I wouldn't have been able to take it on the computer because I get confused easily. My only concern would be when it gets really cold outside will we still be walking down or what will happen? Other than that I think it's fantastic . The teacher is a really nice and we are with the same people we were with last year so that makes it so much easier because we don't have to meet new people. Even though there are bigger kids at the school it's not as scary as you think. In class I feel more better about asking questions if I don't get it because there isn't as much kids like last year. Last year I felt like everybody else knew what the teacher was talking about and I was the only one who didn't so I didn't ask questions, but I don't feel that anymore. So I'm really glad this year we get to take a class up at the high school.
WEB 2015-16 by Rebeka Harness
This year in web we have so much fun stuff in store for all of the incoming sixth graders. So far this year in web we have done so many activities that I think the sixth graders really liked. Maybe some time this year we could do a fun activity with our new iPads. Now that everybody has iPads we might be able to do something with them. Every week for our groups is something completely different but has the same meaning and that's one of the reasons why I'm looking forward for web this year. Another reason is because we get to meet people and get to know them better and make friends. I think everyone is enjoying web and that's what counts. So over all I think web is going to be really awesome.
WEB by SIerra Hightower
Being a W.E.B leader this year has been a lot of fun, I'm glad I signed up. When the year started I was really nervous the kids weren't going to like me. Now I'm not nervous and it's really fun. Doing the activities with them and helping them is something I really enjoy.
We have done the straw challenge which is really cool and works on teamwork. You have to hold the straws with the tips of your fingers and do activities like moving in a circle. Another activity was tip of my finger where you have to hit a balloon around and learn each others names. My group had a lot of fun doing those and I'm glad that they did. I would recommend that every body sign up for web!
We have done the straw challenge which is really cool and works on teamwork. You have to hold the straws with the tips of your fingers and do activities like moving in a circle. Another activity was tip of my finger where you have to hit a balloon around and learn each others names. My group had a lot of fun doing those and I'm glad that they did. I would recommend that every body sign up for web!
This year....by Kari Crouse
This year I think I am going to have so many new opportunities with the iPads. I will be able to save paper, have an easy way to do homework, also I will be able to do so many new ways of learning. I will be saving paper by using google docs. Google classroom and Google drive to do my assignments. My homework could be to practice a song for guitar or research the stages toddlers go though for facs. It's just easier because a lot of people don't have computers at home or other things to search stuff on and they couldn't get the notes for the song if they couldn't get on the website that has them. I think this year will be the best year and I know that in this year we will have many things come up where it shows that technology is the future and we will use it more and more often to learn new things and go to new heights for our educational values.
Looking forward....by Gracie Creason
What I'm looking forward to for this year is learning more, seeing my friends, and helping the sixth graders.I enjoy school a lot maybe not every moment but since this is my final year at ESMS I want to make it very special and enjoy it as much as I can.
Since I'm an eighth grader I get to be a W.E.B. Leader which means I get to help the younger sixth graders become equipped for their new school. I'm so excited to get to help them because I know my W.E.B. leaders helped me a lot. And middle school is a lot different than elementary I want them to know I'm here for them and whatever they need I'm going to try to help them. I want them to have the best experience at ESMS for their three years here.
I love school and I'm so excited to see my friends, because they make the school year so much more interesting. I also get to see my friends that I don't get to see over the summer, which is really cool. My friends also help me in school with stuff I don't understand. They are always there for me which makes school so much easier. I'm so excited and so ready for my eighth grade school year and what is to come for the following months ahead.
Im so excited for my new learning experiences for this following school year. I'm excited to meet all my new teachers, see my friends, and see all the new sixth graders. I'm planning to try my hardest and do my best in school. And I can't wait for the new school year ahead of me.
Since I'm an eighth grader I get to be a W.E.B. Leader which means I get to help the younger sixth graders become equipped for their new school. I'm so excited to get to help them because I know my W.E.B. leaders helped me a lot. And middle school is a lot different than elementary I want them to know I'm here for them and whatever they need I'm going to try to help them. I want them to have the best experience at ESMS for their three years here.
I love school and I'm so excited to see my friends, because they make the school year so much more interesting. I also get to see my friends that I don't get to see over the summer, which is really cool. My friends also help me in school with stuff I don't understand. They are always there for me which makes school so much easier. I'm so excited and so ready for my eighth grade school year and what is to come for the following months ahead.
Im so excited for my new learning experiences for this following school year. I'm excited to meet all my new teachers, see my friends, and see all the new sixth graders. I'm planning to try my hardest and do my best in school. And I can't wait for the new school year ahead of me.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Sports by Alli Hatch
I think that is year with sports and now including 7th grade is going to be interesting. I am frustrated that we won't be able to have a -b team this is year. I've been waiting for this year my whole life to play for the school and I couldn't play in 7th grade but now there is only 2 teams 8th grade and 7th grade. I feel that it would of helped if we would have 7th sports a long time ago to help people get ready for 8th grade sports. I think that if if there is not enough 7th grade to try out for a team then they should give 8th grade there -b team back. They should have 7th ab and 8th grade ab. It's not fair to put girls that aren't the best on a team that they would be meant to be on a A team. Also it doesn't give the girls that always wanted to play a sport a chance to try out for the teams. That means that if 27 girls try out for 8th grade basketball and 5 can play on a court then you have to have at least 10 to make the team. That mean that half the girls get cut and that's not fair. But if you had a A and B team then only around 7 girls would get cut instead of 17 that's seems more reasonable for the girls. But if there is no girls for 7th grade then have girls from the 8th grade team have the not so good ones be the B team. So many girls have been waiting to play for the school like I have. For high school I can't wait to play in high school I want people to know who good of a player a can be. I want to play for a sport in college because I love sports and school sports makes you get seen by people to get you scholarships. That all starts with middle school sports the first year you can play for the school.
WEB by Payton Conyers
Being a WEB leader has helped me get more involved in school subjects besides sports. Helping kids is a special thing to do, because you get to see them improve. I like teaching my WEB kids new things that they didn't know before and getting to know them better.
I was so nervous to find out if I made the group (aka) WEB. I have always wanted to be a web leader and I was inspired in 6th grade by my web leaders. I want to show a good example for my WEB kids to, so they'll want to be one to. It is a privilege to be a WEB leader.
If you are chosen to be a WEB leader you have to be a good leader cause everyone is looking up to you. The kids are always looking up to you. We also teach them important stuff about school. Like lockers and making new friends. That is why I love being a web leader.
I was so nervous to find out if I made the group (aka) WEB. I have always wanted to be a web leader and I was inspired in 6th grade by my web leaders. I want to show a good example for my WEB kids to, so they'll want to be one to. It is a privilege to be a WEB leader.
If you are chosen to be a WEB leader you have to be a good leader cause everyone is looking up to you. The kids are always looking up to you. We also teach them important stuff about school. Like lockers and making new friends. That is why I love being a web leader.
WEB by Taylor Dusek
Being a WEB leader is fun and helpful at the same time. You get to help the kids bond with each other and make new friends. Another exciting quality about WEB is you get to teach them about the middle school and all of the fun activities.Also we teach them about lockers, like not sharing your combination or sharing a locker with anyone else. Middle school can be confusing with your schedule and knowing where to go so we tell them tricks to getting to your class without being tardy.
Students can always count on there WEB leaders to help them through tough times. If they are having problems at home we can help them. WEB leaders are trust worthy and they won't say something the kids don't want them to, unless we feel like it needs to be said.
Being a WEB leader is a privilege so if you become a WEB leader don't take it for granted. Your WEB kids will look up to you so don't let them down. You are a role model for them so be responsible and respectful.
Students can always count on there WEB leaders to help them through tough times. If they are having problems at home we can help them. WEB leaders are trust worthy and they won't say something the kids don't want them to, unless we feel like it needs to be said.
Being a WEB leader is a privilege so if you become a WEB leader don't take it for granted. Your WEB kids will look up to you so don't let them down. You are a role model for them so be responsible and respectful.
MIssing the Summer by Zane Lohman
Missing the summer
I for one had a great summer break between baseball, and hanging out with friends, vacation and just staying home and being lazy, but there is only one part of summer I don't like, how quickly it goes by. Most of the time we get out of school at the end of May then we have June, and July and half of August, that's only two and a half months of a break from a nine and a half month school year! I mean it does give less time to forget things you learned in the previous year but it would still be nice to have a little more time off. But now we're in the school year. It started off slow while we were relearning lessons from the past. But now that we have gotten mostly out of that and sports like cross country have started it has been better and school is going a little bit faster in my opinion and I think it will be a great year!
First Day of School by Julie Yanits
First day of school
Summer has gone by fast. School has already started. I think school starts to early in time and less summer for us. Other schools start at the end of August to the beginning of September. Why don't we start school with all the other schools. School is boring all we do Is learn about stuff. We only had like two months of summer. That's less time for vacation and fun times. We need long summer. School is important but we need more fun time. So we need more summer and it to start at a later in the month.
Kickoff to This Football Season by Cameron Huett
Kickoff to This Football Season
For most people, the beginning of school means the end of summer the start of waking up earlier and dreaded homework. However, for a few of us students, it means the start of another football season. While some of you may think that a football team is only about winning championships and being a bunch of knuckle headed jocks, for us it means the start of a brotherhood.
Excelsior Springs Tiger Football has always been about building boys into fine young men that will contribute to society. This year’s team motto is “Win the Day” meaning that we must put in 100% effort every day no matter what. All football players are taught to respect each other and everyone around them and to give 100% effort in the classroom. We have always been told that we are students first and athletes second. All students must maintain a grade of over a 2.0 in all classes to practice and play. Athletes are also expected to be at school, on time, every day and cannot practice or play if they are late to school. Tiger football is truly a band of brothers that will always help each other and all others around them. We will always set the bar high and be role models for others to follow. I hope that this week’s blog has changed your view of the football team or verified what you may have believed. I hope to see all of you readers at Tiger football game every Tuesday night.

School Sports by Morgan Schindler
School sports
School sports started about a week ago, this year there is something new here at ESMS; seventh grade sports. Starting this year seventh graders may participate in volleyball, cross country, track, and basketball. I recently made the volleyball team and I am excited to start the season.
I'm glad that the seventh graders are able to play sports this year because it will hopefully make our teams a lot better. I just wish they would have had it when I was in seventh grade. With new seventh grade sports more people are able to participate and play on the teams which is great! I can't wait to make it a great season!
School sports started about a week ago, this year there is something new here at ESMS; seventh grade sports. Starting this year seventh graders may participate in volleyball, cross country, track, and basketball. I recently made the volleyball team and I am excited to start the season.
I'm glad that the seventh graders are able to play sports this year because it will hopefully make our teams a lot better. I just wish they would have had it when I was in seventh grade. With new seventh grade sports more people are able to participate and play on the teams which is great! I can't wait to make it a great season!
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
First Day of School...by Madi Cole
My first day of school was very exciting. I was so anxious to get to school bright and early to see all of my friends again. I spent all night picking out the right outfit, making my lunch, memorizing my schedule and making sure I was prepared. I still can't believe it's my last year of middle school, time flew by.
On the first day I got to school early to get ready for web, and I was in the best mood ever. My day was going great, my locker was opening just fine, and I was having so much fun helping out the little sixth graders! I was finding all of my classes and I was super excited to get to know my teachers! Then when fourth hour came around I accidentally walked into the wrong class, and honestly that was really embarrassing. But after that my day straightened back out, and I had the best first day ever!
The Beginning of School! by Olivia Richey
The beginning of school is always very exciting. You get to catch up with all of your friends and you also get to meet all of your new teachers. I was personally very excited about getting the opportunity to do sports, get iPads, and being a W.E.B leader. The most exciting thing so far is being a web leader! It has been so much fun getting to meet/know the kids that are in my group.
So far I have helped so many 6th graders that needed help, wether it be with their lockers or getting to their classes. I love helping them because I have been where they are and I know how it feels to not have someone to help me when I needed it. My goal is to never let them feel that this year.
The Beginning of School by Sierra Hightower
The beginning of school can be very exciting or very stressful for people. This year is the beginning of my eighth grade year and I am very excited. A lot of things have changed since seventh grade. There is new clubs and I can finally do track/sports and I am a web leader.
There are many opportunities your eighth grade year you get to try out for any sports you want like volleyball and basketball. You get to choose different classes like mythology, drama etc. And I would encourage all kids to be web leaders it is really fun and a great help for the sixth graders. I can think back to my sixth grade year and remember all the things I couldn't do then that I can do now like sports.
Even though school can be stressful going everyday is worth it there are many chance to have fun and you will learn something new everyday!
There are many opportunities your eighth grade year you get to try out for any sports you want like volleyball and basketball. You get to choose different classes like mythology, drama etc. And I would encourage all kids to be web leaders it is really fun and a great help for the sixth graders. I can think back to my sixth grade year and remember all the things I couldn't do then that I can do now like sports.
Even though school can be stressful going everyday is worth it there are many chance to have fun and you will learn something new everyday!
Beginning of School by Madyson Harris
The beginning of school can offer many exciting opportunities. These opportunities include new clubs, classes, and friends! A lot of things can and will change over the summer. This can make your first day/beginning very stressful. Yet these new changes can make you more successful.
For example, one thing that has changed this year is that all grades in the middle school have the opportunity to use iPads for learning purposes. A cool thing about the iPads is that we can take them home and play games on them. Another cool privilege is that the 7th graders now get an opportunity to try out for the sports team along with the 8th graders. Instead of an A and B team we now have a 7th and 8th grade team.
As an 8th grader we also get the opportunity to be on the Web team. As a web leader you get to help 6th graders with their transition to their new school along with being a role model for the rest of the school. 8th graders also get 1 new elective to replace the second ela class. Some of the electives you can sign up for is Mythology, Drama and Speech, Guitar, Tech applications, and Choir.
It is good to remember that the beginning of school does not have to be as stressful if you don't make it. There are many opportunities to be excited about and it is good to remind yourself of those. Have fun at school!
First Days of School
The first days of school
Summer break seems to get shorter and shorter each year. This year, the first day of school was a pretty special one for my dad and I. For both of us, it is our last year of middle school. I'm always excited to start school again but the first two days are not the most exciting. Each class is basically the same thing, we learn about the teacher and then go over the rules.
My day starts up at the high school in a geometry class. It's pretty scary as an eighth grader to be roaming the high school halls. I joined web this year and that has been really fun. The second day of school we had a web assembly where we got to meet the awesome new sixth graders. Today the learning starts and I'm excited!
~Morgan Schindler
Summer break seems to get shorter and shorter each year. This year, the first day of school was a pretty special one for my dad and I. For both of us, it is our last year of middle school. I'm always excited to start school again but the first two days are not the most exciting. Each class is basically the same thing, we learn about the teacher and then go over the rules.
My day starts up at the high school in a geometry class. It's pretty scary as an eighth grader to be roaming the high school halls. I joined web this year and that has been really fun. The second day of school we had a web assembly where we got to meet the awesome new sixth graders. Today the learning starts and I'm excited!
~Morgan Schindler
Starting a new year by Cassidy Bradshaw
I am very excited to start this new school year. Being a 8th is unreal to me it still feels like I'm still in 6th grade. It went by so fast I can't believe it's my last year here at ESMS. Since I'm an 8th there's so a bunch of after school activities that come in 8th grade. Like volleyball which the tryouts are today. Hopefully I can make the team. We also have formal, we're going to the zoo and if we haven't gotten any conducts we get to have a field day type thing. This year I am also a a web leaders. So I basically help sixth graders not be afraid of this school. My web group is amazing. They a great kids. I am so happy to help them out. Meeting new classmates that just moved her this year has been a blast this year. Getting to know new people is always exciting. Also getting to know teachers that has never been here in this school district is fun. Setting an example for this class of 2020. I am also looking forward to iPads very excited on how we're going to do the school year now. Overall excited for my last year here at the middle school.
School Year 2015-16 by Madeline Evert
I have had a very good school year so far it's been busy with web, and my classes. It's seems like just yesterday I was walking in to my first day of school at ESMS I can't believe how fast my middle school years have gone by. I love meeting new friends and teachers this year I'm excited to see what this year will bring for me I'm excited to do new activities with formal the zoo and field day! I'm also looking forward, to playing sports this school and being involved in a lot. My goals are to make good grades pay attention and have others look up to me as a good leader.
I love meeting the new teachers and new friends. I hope I have a great school year....
I love meeting the new teachers and new friends. I hope I have a great school year....
NEW SCHOOL YEAR by Rylee Johnson
The start of 2015-2016 new school year has been a blast so far. Meeting new friends/teachers, having new classes, and most of all, being my last year of middle school. This year has been and will be a busy year for most of us. But I wouldn't trade my middle school years for anything. Being in 8th grade you get to be in a lot more activities such as WEB, volleyball, basketball, and even formal. Make this year one of your best years in school! 😄
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